Healing Powers of Elves & Fairies

Nature beings take us into a plane beyond time and space. Here it is easy to escape any limitations in order to meet one’s own inner healing powers.

Non-separateness means oneness

Elves and fairies have retreated into their own world to guard their light. In this day and age, we humans can see the light, love and purity of these light forces. Therefore, the elves and fairies are approaching our consciousness again. Since time immemorial they have preserved ancient healing springs of light. They are healing methods to bring the body and the subtle energies into harmony.

The Healer Training

In this  6-day healer training, natural beings share their knowledge and light frequencies with usIt contains great powers of healing and transformation, which are shown to anyone who opens up to it with his heart.

It is a course in which one experiences healing in the sense of becoming whole and physical-mental balance.

This requires sequences in which we remember times in meditation when communication with animate nature was still natural to us. During excursions we experience this through conscious experience. Thus, on this path “back to nature – back to unity” we are introduced step by step to the healing methods, which are applied to each other directly afterwards.

These healing methods serve humans, animals and plants.

Healing methods

The Essences of the Elves & Fairies


01 Lemon Butterfly - Cleansing

This essence cleanses bodies and spaces. It can be used before meetings and situations, as well as afterwards.

02 Blue Butterfly - Trust

This essence gives us the confidence to want to listen within ourselves. It takes courage to give up searching and to allow finding.

03 Peacock Eye Butterfly - Joy

This essence guides us back to our inner being, where our ``Happiness`` resides.

04 Checkerboard Butterfly - Clarity

This essence clears the heart. If the solution level arises from the clarity of the heart, then it is correct.
Brauner Bär

05 Great Tiger Moth - Structure

This essence breaks up structures. It allows the recognition of the old as complete and retains energy for the new.

06 Admiral Butterfly - Liberation

This essence breaks through one`s narrow vision. New paths appear that beckon to be taken.

07 Aurora Butterfly - Alignment

This essence gets to the heart of the matter and supports the first steps towards your goal.
Kleiner Fuchs

08 Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly - Consolation

This essence allows our feelings space. They are given their place in our love.

09 Swallowtail Butterfly - Determination

This essence confronts us to face our own freedom, to take responsibility for our life and our decisions.
Kleiner Eisvogel

10 White Admiral Butterfly - Healing

We are God's children, divine beings who have come to be healed.
Kleiner Kohlweißling

11 Small White Cabbage Butterfly - Change

This essence gives us energy and strength. It prompts us to claim what is at hand for us, preferably without detours.
Großer Eisvogel

12 Popular Admiral Butterfly - Mindfulness

When we pay attention to ourselves and listen to the voice of our heart, respect for every being emerges. Mindfulness brings forth love.

13 Postillon Butterfly - Orientation

There are many paths. To find the right one, it is good to stop, become more aware and feel the path in our hearts.
Kleines Nachtpfauenauge

14 Small Emperor Peacock Eye Butterfly - Devotion

If we truly open ourselves to the light, we are flooded with the grace of their healing love.

15 Fire Butterfly - Transformation

Fire burns mercilessly. It is pure light and pure love. Surrendering to the divine fire is the highest transformation.
Großer Kohlweißling

16 Big White Cabbage Butterfly - Knowledge

This essence supports us to assign feelings and sensations. As loving companions, they help us to recognize and to understand.

17 Sail Butterfly - Power

This essence gives us energy and strength. It asks us to claim what we have to do, preferably without detours.

Wall Brown Butterfly - Energy

This essence roots us with Mother Earth. who nourishes us on all levels. We are not at the mercy, but capable of action.
Goldene Acht

19 Golden Eight - Wisdom

In harmony with the golden light we find our light, our peace and our place. We are ready to open ourselves to our own vision.
Großes Ochsenauge

20 Great Oxeye Butterfly - Knowledge

Connected to heaven and earth, we remember our task and the associated knowledge for the benefit of man and nature.
Großer Fuchs

21 Large Tortoishell Butterfly - Perfection

This essence allows us to experience perfection inside and outside. Joy, love and beauty may unite.

Impressions from the seminar


You want to know more about this seminar?

I cordially invite you to get in touch with me. I look forward to your inquiry and to get to know you personally in a conversation!

Living in harmony with the forces of nature